Friday, February 16, 2007

Chinese New Year coming soon, everyone's gonna get fatter by a few pounds :]

Chinese new year's tomorrow, & ican't wait to wear the new clothes i've been DYING to fit in ;D

there's gonna be a countdown tonight, and ijust can't wait! Panda eyes here it comes ;] i guess i'll be staying up late tonight. Lol.

incase you blogreaders are curious, i'm gonna celebrate Chinese New Year with my dear loving family members :)

____,anyways; i'm all ready for CNY. ive got new shoes, new clothes, new JUNK FOOD {dwaahh} HAHA and of course, the most famous "ANG PAO's".

there's gonna be loadsa visitors coming for the food& angpao's of course xD

&owh, not to forget, iLOVE RAI! she's so thoughtful to bake me some brownies, iso so LOVE her. :]
she went through all the trouble just to make me a chinese new year cake. HAHA [being sarcastic] :)

and Jiahui, iloveYou :D she's my soulmate HAHA